Greenpeace - Breathe (2006) 0:60 (New Zealand)

Beautiful images of the tides going up and down set to the sound of breathing.

Ad agency: Pubilicis Mojo (NZ)
Production Co: Revolver Film (Australia)
Creative Director: Lachlan MacPherson, Nick Worthington
Director: Rey Carlson
Producer: Taryn Gold, Michael Ritchie
Editor: Richard Learoyd
Agency Producer: Corey Esse, Jodie Hari, Colin Hickson
Production: Revolver Film (Australia)
Agency: Publicis Mojo (New Zealand)
Post Production: Animal Logic (Australia), the Whitehouse (USA)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture


Dabitch's picture

Yep. Th esimplest ideas are alaways the best. A bit too long though.

shmulikber's picture

agree with dab... thank g-d for ngo clients! :)