Global marketing and technology agency, LBi has snatched Andrew Pinkess from Rufus Leonard and appointed him to the UK Executive Team

Andrew Pinkess, ex Rufus Leonard Board Director, Strategy Director and Client Partner has been appointed to LBi's Executive Team.  At LBi, Andrew's priority will be to look after BT, the COI and LBi's Strategic Services.  Part of his new role will be looking at LBi's brand positioning alongside Chris Clarke the Global Creative Director.  In the UK, Andrew will be sitting alongside Ewen Sturgeon, CEO of LBi UK, Anil Pillai, MD of LBi UK and the rest of the UK Executive Team. Andrew has a history of achievement in the sector - over his 11 years at the agency, he established and evolved Rufus's consultancy offering as a key part of their service portfolio, brought in over 60 new clients, built up the public sector as a key part of the business mix and played an important part in shaping the agency’s positioning and marketing profile.  

Andrew’s job at LBi will harness this experience and will involve a mixture of client work and growing various emerging skills within the agency.  He will be also further developing LBi's important relationship with BT– in both business and consumer markets, building much stronger links between LBi and the COI and other public sector organisations.  

Andrew was at Rufus Leonard for 11 years and was on the board of the agency. He headed up the research and strategy team and managed many of the agency's key accounts (including the COI).  He also has previous experience of working with BT and most recently British Gas.  He has worked on both brand and digital projects and is particularly interested in the link between these two key areas of marketing.
Andrew is excited to be at LBi - 'I had been at Rufus Leonard for 11 years and was not looking to move. But when I got a call from LBi, it was a bit like getting a call from McLaren – very hard to ignore. I was attracted by the opportunity to work in a bigger organisation with a wider range of skills and capabilities, an international network, and an outstanding client list. I was also won over by the energy and enthusiasm of the senior management team, their ideas for developing the business, but also their openness to new thinking.'
Anil Pillai, Managing Director of LBi UK is really excited to have Andrew on board "I am delighted to welcome Andrew to the top team.  I am confident he has the right skills and gravitas to help take us to the next level in digital marketing and brand communications".

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