Gernreich / Exquisite Form - the NO must go on or the clothes don't come off - printad 1965

Rudi Gernreich designed the "NO bra" and a fashion revolution was born with an all new silhouette.

The NO must go on or the clothes don't come off

Go Gernreich in the great NO Bra

They screamed when Rudi Gernreich came out with the NO Bra. Now fashion screams you're nowhere without it. Nowhere with the now sweaters and jerseys and crepes and chiffons. Nowhere period. A zero unless you feel free to feel real.

The NO Bra in sheer nude, white or black. 32-36A, 32-38B, 32-36C. 4.00

There's more to Rudi than the NO. Collect Gernreichs. All of them. Be in Exquisite Form.

Rudi Gernreich, 1965.
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