GAP - Madonna / Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott - A New Groove (2003) - 0:75 (USA)

Madonna's price tag? $10 million.

Missy's? Unknown.

Madonna's jewellery? $5 million in diamonds from Neil Lane.

Missy's jewellery? Her own.


Groove factor? Pretty damn high. If you're a SuperAdGrunt, continue to experience the latest from the GAP factory. Groovy.

Agency: Laird+Partners


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

five million in Diamonds and all I want is Missy's hat! :))

Robblink's picture

I really like this commercial. It combines the energy of the Khaki Swing campaign with the star power of the Gap Gift campaign. But, I wonder how Gap can afford Madonna and Missy E when sales have been the worst it has ever been for a long time. Maybe they have a slush fund...

AnonymousCoward's picture

Madonna. Missy. And a whole lotta bling bling. Fucking brilliant. God love the Gap. Still won't shop there, but who cares??

Anonononomous's picture

This is an awful ad. awful.

I'm impressed that Madonna can still do the split with such ease ... Must go take cold shower now.

NowayJose's picture

I remember when Madonna was still cool.