The French Prime Minister Manuel Valls visits Fred & Farid Shanghai

As part of his official three-day trip to China, Manuel Valls made this Saturday, January 31st an official visit to the premises of the Fred & Farid Shanghai agency. On this occasion the French Prime Minister met with Frederic Raillard, president and co-founder of Fred & Farid Group, and made the acquaintance of young French entrepreneurs also settled in Shanghai.

Fred Raillard - Chairman, Co-Founder Fred & Farid Group together with Prime Minister Manuel Valls.

Fred Raillard - Chairman, Co-Founder Fred & Farid Group:
"We are very pleased that the French Government supports entrepreneurs abroad. French creativity is the major asset of France."

Fred Raillard - Chairman, Co-Founder Fred & Farid Group together with Prime Minister Manuel Valls.
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