Follow The FedEx Truck to The Land of Oz

Who can't love this ad? The setting is......Oz! Dorothy has arrived and is about to hear the Lollipop Guild sing there famous song. Suddenly, their voices get deeper and deeper. Who can solve this problem? Only......FedEx!

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This ad was brilliantly edited together. As the Lollipop Guild wonders what happened to their voices, a FedEx truck comes flying toward the ground and lands right in the middle of Munchkin Land! The FedEx guy gives the Lollipop Guild some balloons. Dorothy gasps as the munchkins fill their lungs, and then there off singing to her in their freshly high-pitched voices, as the FedEx truck drives away down the Yellow Brick Road. Now only if it could run over the Wicked Witch of the West! That would save Dorothy some time.

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