Flashy PR trick might get club closed down

CopaCabana, a nightclub in Skagen, has offered the ladies 50% off drinks if they show their more or less naked breasts to the camera and allow these images to be posted on their home page.

Copacabana figures that it attracts customers, both to its homepage and to the nightclub. The people of Skagen are not as happy about this as the club is, they think that all of Skagen now has a bad reputation which damages their important tourist industry. The local police are now looking into it, to see if they can take Copacabanas liquor licence away.

Disco Copa Cabana in Skagen has now asked a lawyer to investigate whether it is legal for the disco to post pictures of the guests' bare breasts on the Internet.

- "And if it is illegal, we will stop it immediately. Otherwise, we will continue," said owner Jørgen Christensen to DR Nordjylland.

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