Filmaid - Magic of Cinema - (2009) :55 (Mexico)

This film won Gold in the Cannes 2009 Young Lions Film Competition - and when Fernando Carrera &
Victor Alvarado got up on stage to receive the coveted lion they folded out a small Mexican flag and waved it about in a burst of patriotism. The entire ad was briefed, concepted, shot and edited in 48 hours. I had the pleasure of meeting Victor on Monday when we were all walking toward the "Fuck the crisis" beach party for young creatives with Carl Jones, and had to yelp out an extra cheer when I saw Victor go on stage that Saturday.

Client: Filmaid (Young Lions Film Competition. Gold).
Ad agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Mexico.
Creative Director: Fernando Carrera & Victor Alvarado.
Art Director: Victor Alvarado.
Copywriter: Fernando Carrera.
Country: Mexico.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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mpared's picture

This is brilliant

Dabitch's picture

I guess that's why they won the gold! :)

mpared's picture

funny you!! haha ;0)

kamari's picture

Well deserved, that's a really nice piece of music they chose. It makes the film quite magical even though it's just simple tricks we all know quite well.

Dabitch's picture

Trick!? What tricks? No no, there's no tricks, this is all real, they made that ice-cream jump right back up on the cone, and I swear they invented the magic button that changes your drink for you. Very practical, I've seen it in action, scouts honor. My shirt always changes color when I pass a pole, some days I go through the rainbow. Yepyep. Sure sure. ;)

victoralvaradov's picture

Thank You all!
What we like most about the ad is the fact that you can see the Magic of Cinema instead of watching refugee camps.
Seeing the solution and not the problem.

Here are the Silver and Bronze ads:

Victor Alvarado.

Dabitch's picture

victoralvaradov - actually that sums up why you won more than anything else. It's much much harder to create an emotional positive ad than it is to create an emotional negative ad. Jury knew this.

victoralvaradov's picture

Thank you for your comments. Really.

Neo's picture

Lap it up, everyone saying nice stuff about one ad? That happens once in a blue moon. ;)