The Evolution of Crazy Frog - from Deng Deng to Ringtone

You might have heard that annoying "Ding ding ding ding dididing ding bing bing pscht" as a ringtone, but the history of the noise is longer. Bloggerheads digs into the Evolution of Crazy Frog and tracks where the sound appears in games, ads and online pranks.

Erik Wernquist (creator of the Crazy Frog character) and Daniel Malmedahl (endorsed by Erik as the originator of the sound file) appear to have agreed to the use of their intellectual property by the companies Jamba! and Zed, so we can assume that they have been compensated for any/all commercial use (but how fairly they have been compensated, I do not know).

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claymore's picture

The viral-turned-ringtone is offered here in the US through, which is advertised approximately every five minutes on certain cable networks. They make the Enzyte media schedule on Comedy Central seem downright conservative.

caffeinegoddess's picture

hahahah! Too true. Over the New Year's weekend I think I saw/ignored that annoying ad at least 50 times.

Dabitch's picture

Hahaha... I wonder how Daniel Malmedahl feels about all the commotion about his strange sound.... And If he's compensated for the ringtones (He should be.. Should he not?) Wonder what he'd sound like if he tried to make the noise of my Vespa? :) That's the next stage of annoying ringtones - get one specially made! HA!

Sport's picture

Of course! Personal ringtones that are really personal. I might have that guy try and mimic the sound of my first car, a noisy little fiat.

AnonymousCoward's picture

does anyone actually know anyone with this ringtone?
Its played nearly non-stop on the music channels here.
I still think its as funny as heck though...
I was walking through Dublin city, when some young kid just started shouting the ringtone really loud "ring-deng-deng-ding-daaaawww"..
everyone seems to know about it... a very interesting brand to look at