eBay's XXX-Mas auctions

Two of the hottest toys this holiday season were the Sony Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii. And like most hot items, they end up on eBay.

Thousands of sellers around the world tried to make a quick buck on these game systems. But with over 52,000 PS3 and over 40,000 Wii auctions posted in December, it was hard to stand out from the crowd.

To get attention, some of the more creative sellers resorted to {gasp} sex.

The most outrageous pics were for the PS3 and not really for the Wii. Says a lot of the people who buy PS3s huh?

Note: These auctions did not sell better than the fully-clothed ones!

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Dabitch's picture

Hahahahaha, pretty funny.

TDD's picture

Fluffy: Let's move on to the word association part of the test.
Duckman: Breasts.
Uranus: Mr. Duckman, we haven't even...
Duckman: Breasts.

- Duckman: Forbidden Fruit.