Dunlopillo - the Boredcast - case study (2016) 1:40 (Malaysia)

Ha! This is hilarious. You know those super boring technical video on how mattresses work? How your spine bends and how your sleep gets better depending on how much support you have there or softness there. Yes, they're boring. The only thing more boring than watching those things must be making them, so I feel for the visualizers and art directors on this job. Dunlopillo and Geometry Global decided to change things up a bit though, they targeted their super boring foam videos to people scrolling through facebook at night in order to put them to sleep. There's an effective shortcut in getting people to associate your mattress name with sleep. Over 325,000 sleepless Malaysians responded to the campaign.

Dunlopillo is a dream client (pun intended) as they previously created a campaign on that other thing you do in bed with "listen to your mattress" as a date-fixer-upper for couples.

Regional Executive Creative Director: Daniel Comar
Company: Geometry Global APAC

Ad agency: Geometry Global Kuala Lumpur
Executive Creative Director: Mehdi Lamloum
Associate Creative Director: Phoecus Lee
Senior Art Director: Tio Tit Seng
Copywriter: Benjamin Koh
Art Director: Lim Kui Onn
Art Director: Ng Mun Yee
Visualiser: Lim Poh Yeng
Visualiser: Garfield Low
Group Account Director: Anne Oh
Account Executive: Thian Zen Yee

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