Duffy set to sparkle in new ‘diet Coke’ campaign

Coca-Cola Great Britain today confirmed that Welsh singing sensation Duffy will star in its new ‘diet Coke’ European advertising campaign.

The £multi-million campaign is set to launch in many countries across Europe early in 2009.

The new campaign for ‘diet Coke’ will show the three times Grammy nominated singer - best known for her international number one hit Mercy and 4.5 million selling album Rockferry – acting in one of a series of 30 and 60-second spots for her first ever high profile appearance in a TV advertisement.

Duffy, who follows in the footsteps of Kim Basinger who starred in a previous ‘diet Coke’ ad, willl appear alongside other strong, sassy young women who are celebrating their right to stand up to the pressures of modern day life. Coca-Cola sees Duffy as hugely talented and accessible rather than being merely a pin up, making the ads attractive to younger female viewers aged 20-35.

Talking about her role in the new ads, Duffy said, "I love the attitude of this new Diet Coke ad. I drink so much of the stuff, they were either going to give me shares in the company or put me in the advert."

Coca-Cola Great Britain Marketing Director Cathryn Sleight said, “We have a strong heritage in creating entertaining and memorable advertising for ‘diet Coke’ that is loved by our female fans. Our campaigns are well known for tapping into a powerful social and cultural zeitgeist and Duffy is a great embodiment of today’s modern female attitudes. She has a strong appeal with our core female audience and we’re confident that this campaign will become just as iconic as previous ‘diet Coke’ advertising campaigns.”

Duffy Diet Coke - I've Got to be me
src="adland.tv/iet-coke-duffy-ive-got-be-me-2009-70-uk">Duffy Diet Coke - I've Got to be me

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