A local group trying to keep oil supertankers from BC's waters is using innovative posters that simulate an actual oil spill in real time. The secret? The tankers featured on the posters are printed using a special enviro-friendly black ink that bleeds in the rain and reveals the message “Oils spills affect everyone. Take action now at notankers.ca.”
Developed by Rethink Communications, the posters are part of the Dogwood Initiative’s No Tankers campaign, which aims to prevent oil supertanker traffic navigating BC's northern coastal waters.
Agency: Rethink Communications
Creative Director: Chris Staples, Ian Grais
Art Director: Todd Takahashi
Copywriter: David Giovando
Photographer/Videographer: Carson Ting
Editor: Chris Nielsen
Producer: Ninette Aves
Account Manager: Daylan Wong, Jillian Yaehne
Printer: True Colours
Music: Grizzly Bear "Foreground"