Displaced designer offers bed & office for any creative displaced by Katrina

Displaced Designer is a new resource for those in the creative industry recently displaced by the on-going situation in New Orleans and the surrounding region. If you have a desk space in an office to offer you may do so, if you can offer a bed you can email displaceddesigner that too.

The aim is to become a board for creatives to find places to work from and places to sleep while they try and rebuild their lives.

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AIGA Relief for those affected by Hurricane Katrina

AIGA encourages designers who have been affected by the massive storm, both AIGA members and nonmembers, to contact us. Members will work to quickly match those in need with the AIGA network of designers and corporations. By working together, we can help designers reestablish themselves in the wake of the massive storm that is still making its way across the country.

(Thanks reflecked!)

caffeinegoddess's picture

Adweek is also helping Media & Agency Professionals who have been displaced by hurricane Katrina.

If you are considering relocating and are looking for employment, the Adweek Group will run your contact information and a brief bio free during this emergency. Contact Brian Chester

(see link for contact info)