Dear Dabitch, did Springer & Jacoby paint over street art?

So I got this PM yesterday, and thought I'd report my findings to ze world since, well, I can.

A year ago, 180 Amsterdam moved offices down the street. German agency Springer-Jacoby moved into their old place. In 180's old creative dept room, there was a huge ceiling mural that they commissioned the well-known, highly celebrated street artists The London Police to paint. Well, rumour has it, that when Springer Jacoby moved in, they proceeded to paint their entire office in a white wash paint. Which included painting over the mural. Amazing. Unbelievable. And I thought their $5 fines for a messy desk was scary. I think a lack of understanding true creativity is even scarier.

So, with all of your industry connections, you must know if this rumour is true or false?

Ah yes, The London Police who's stencil art appeared in Amsterdam way back in 1998. I remember noticing the stencils around my copywriters neighborhood and the mystery of who might be behind it was driving me mad for a few months, then the local hipster mags started pointing out the stencils coolness and their fame rolled on from there. See this interview with Garrett over at woostercollective.

Yes, sadly Springer and Jacoby did paint over the mural as soon as they took over the 180 offices but as a source at S&J said "it wasn't that good really", and street art isn't permanent to begin with. Stencils get painted over or removed or fade away like old polaroids. Part of it's charm if you ask me. However, that rumor about the $5 fine is totally bogus, there isn't even a 5€ fine, so whomever told you that is having you on my friend.
The London Police

Update Wed. May 11, we now have a picture of the mural before it was painted over.

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anothercopywriter's picture

I just know that I'm glad my agency doesn't levy a five-buck fine everytime someone's desk is messy. I would make a negative salary and have to pay to come in and write ads!

Dabitch's picture

In my case, I'd make them prove that I had a desk first. It might be somewhere under that mess. Then again, it might not.

AnonymousCoward's picture

YES, THEY DID ERASE THE LONDONPOLICE CEILING GRAFIC IN THE OLD 180 OFFICE. I wittnessed the crime! I was screaming in anger. I fought, but I lost. That's what happens when "THEE GERMANZ" come to town.

I was one of the founding members of the Amsterdam S&J office, but overruled by the board regarding that decision.

FUCKIN HELL. Finally someone got aware of the crime, finally I can post my anger. They said "But the artist painted it for 180, not for us" - "So what?" I asked "Not our culture" they said.

"Not my culture" I said and left the agency.

Happier now,
