LM&O, Metro's advertising agency, has created a series of sniglets (clever and creative words not found in a typical dictionary) to appear on signs placed in the space above the windows in Metrorail cars and Metrobuses.
The messages will remind customers to plan alternate routes home, report suspicious items, offer seats to people who need them and not block train doors.The sniglets include:
PlanBdextrous: (plan-bi-dek-stres) adj. able to plan an alternate route home in case Metro is inaccessible due to unforeseen circumstances.
Sumpnspicious: (sump-en-spish-es) n. unattended package or odd, unusual behavior that is reported to a bus driver, train operator (via intercom at end of railcar), station manager or Metro Police at 202-962-2121.
Conseaterate: (ken-set-er-it) adj. thoughtful toward others who are more in need of a Metrorail or Metrobus seat.
Doorker: (dor-ker) n. person who crowds or blocks Metro doors, making it difficult for others to exit or enter promptly.
I really like planbdextrous but I don't get sumpnspicious.
oh wait. I got it.
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