Dansk Sygeplejeråd (DSR) / Hvidzone.dk - Nurse revives man with her breasts

The Danes are making fools of themselves Danish women again in viral videos. This time there's no "Karen desperatly seeking the father of her baby", but a heroic nurse who straddles a wounded man, resuscitating the patient with the help of her naked breasts and some sort of stripper CPR.... "We have signs of life!" shouts a male nurse while the female nurse signals "Call me" to the patient.

Politiken.dk reports that Dansk Sygeplejeråd (DSR) admit they went a little bit to far when they approved this ad, which is meant to attract more people to the nurse education. Last week however, they thought it was great, as it got them in the news, and over 2700 more students have applied this year than last year.

"The campaign is working. We have seen a rise in interest for our work, and some of that is clearly coming from the viral advertising" said the Managing Director Anne Granborg to the papers last week.

(I am not making that up, she used the words "markant stigning" - I'm having such a hard time typing for laughing right now)

Two days later however, she changes her tune: "That one is a teaser, and it should not have been approved. It has sexist undertones, and gives a wrong impression of what nurses do."

No shit Sherlock.

Nurses around the country are angry, they've had quite enough of sexist advertising and specifically ads that sex up their profession, they've been on a mission reporting ad campaigns that hint at sex and use nurses, reporting brand name underwear JBS and even their own unions paper for being named "under the scrubs" instead of what it used to be called: SCHalpellen (a pun I'm not even going to attempt to decipher).

Managing Director Anne Granborg insists there's a difference between Hvidzone's ad campaign and the other controversial ones;

"I think it's wrong to compare these campaigns. The JBS-campaign was a commercial one, while we are trying to use humor to kill some prejudices about nurses."

In the interest of ad-scientific comparison, here's the JBS ad.

Update Creator of DSR "Nurse performs CPS with her breasts" explains the idea.

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Nurse sex fantasy is over the top. What I really want to say is unprintable. If I showed this to sister #1,2; number four is the nurse last time we spoke. She would call me an intensive jerk (Again. Rolling eyes). She would be right this time. The whole hooker nurse fantasy is just wrong. The reasons given for the go with the theme are short sided at best.