July 1st, the Daily Mail headlined an article Muslims outraged at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman's hat and explained in their article:
The advert has upset Muslims because dogs are considered ritually unclean and has sparked such anger that some shopkeepers in Dundee have refused to display the advert.
Come again?
The Courier has now debunked that story : Offensive puppy postcard claim dismissed
CLAIMS THAT a promotional police postcard featuring a puppy is offensive to members of the Islamic community have been dismissed by one of Dundee’s leading Muslims.
A storm of controversy erupted yesterday after a report in The Courier revealed that some members of the Islamic community have complained about the postcard.
Seems they've made a mountain out of a molehill. Sometimes a puppy on a poster is just a puppy on a poster.
The Daily Mail faking things? Surely not? I'm surprised at that allegation. Next you'll be telling me the Red Cross in Sweden have been using images that aren't where they say they're from, depicting scenes that are faked. Or that a scam ad won at Cannes.*
It's these rumours that make advertising look bad!
*I am joking, just in case someone thinks I'm not and wants to fill my inbox with satanic rants
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PermalinkSatanic rants? :) There's a new one. I just get hate mail.
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Permalinkseirrebredle fo dellems rehtaf dna retsmah saw rehtom ruoy
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PermalinkPython with a dash of Da Vinci. How sweet. It would have been better in upside down, like so:
səıɹɹəqɹəplə ɟo pəlləɯs ɹəɥʇɐɟ ɹnoʎ puɐ ɹəʇsɯɐɥ ɐ sɐʍ ɹəɥʇoɯ ɹnoʎ
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PermalinkTsk. Anyone can do that. Harumph.
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PermalinkNow, if it was upside-down and back-to-front, it would be even more amazing.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that :(
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