The New York Times reports on the growing phenomena of fake Craigslist ads in You Say Fake Ads, They Say Satire. Johnna Gattinella is working on a book called “My Year on Craigslist” which includes her fake ads and some very earnest responses. A good way to get half of your book written for you by other people I guess. Seems you can post pretty much anything on craigslist and still get a response - is this proof that advertising works? ;) Then there's Brett Michael Dykes who posts quite a few ads in the "missed connections" category and features them on his Cajun Boy in the City blog.
The ad writer, meanwhile, came across as attractive but conceited, claiming that “every other guy on the L was checking me out.” Responses poured in, as they did for another ad whose presumed writer also described herself as attractive but made racist remarks.“When you break it down, guys are just really pathetic,” said Mr. Dykes, 35, who lives in Manhattan.
Too true.
See also the parody site khraigslist (whichthe NYT spells "parody sight - sheesh, spell checker run amok?)