Cox Communications - I Called Them - (2012) :45 (USA)

The ultimate doofus dad? He saves ten dollars a month by switching to Cox and suddenly he never hangs up the phone. Paul Hattery is back, he who started the series using the family’s frequent buffering time as bonding time with his mortified teenage son, Tyler. Since that first spot, new characters have been introduced into the ongoing storyline including Ashley, the girlfriend, Mrs. Hattery and Tyler’s younger sister. Lets not forget the soon to be out of work wife. The patient, patient wife.

Sooooo, this service is for really annoying people?

Advertised brand: Cox Communications

Advert title(s): “Whole Home Partay” and “I Called Them”

Advertising Agency: Draftfcb Chicago, Chicago, USA

Agency website:

Chief Creative Officer: Todd Tilford
EVP, Group Creative Director: Chuck Rudnick
SVP, Creative Director: Susan Betteridge

Writer: Ron Lazzeretti

Writer: Tim Mason
Writer: Sue Salvi

Senior Art Director: Mike Wegener

Senior Copywriter: Erika Heine

VP, Creative Director: Berk Wasserman
VP, Creative Director: Todd Durston

Additional credits:

EVP, Group Management Director: Cary Pierce
Account Director: Laura Dugan

Executive Producer: Snake Roth

EVP, Group Director, Strategic Planning: John Kenny

SVP, Customer Intelligence Director: Jay Rigler

Production company: Company
Director: Fred Goss

Editorial: Inside Job, Draftfcb Chicago

Published: November, 2012

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