A concrete resumé - we mean literally made out of concrete.

It's been a moment since we last showed a good business card or portfolio stunt here, but here's an interesting way to get noticed. An architect with his sights set on one very specific firm decided to give them a more concrete resumé, pun intended, and hopefully have it stand out from the regular dead tree kinds. Or least have it standing on the firm's desk. "I poured the concrete myself" Andreas Conrad explains, and he decided to simply laser cut out the letters listing his credentials, but not paint them due to concern that paint could ruin the smooth look at this size. A friend at Big Secret provided the laser engraving.

The resumé is larger than you'd expect and was hand delivered to the firm last week. "I don’t know the exact weight but I’d say 1.5 lbs - like .75 kilos. The dimensions are roughly 7 x 3.5” and 1” thick."

- What made you come up with this idea specifically, and how have people reacted to it?

- 'In general, the reactions have been positive." says Andreas Conrad "The concept behind the design is twofold. Firstly, this was for one Architecture firm in particular. It was unsolicited and the efficacy of it is yet to be proven, however, I walked by today and it’s still sitting on the boss’s desk. The purpose of this resume was to plant a seed. There was no job listing. It was completely unsolicited. The seed was “Is this good enough to get me a coffee?” The response was “definitely.”'

Andreas Conrad muses that this concrete resumé is "a reaction to the planned obsolescence of resumes." His approach is to target firms specifically, as opposed to just randomly sending out resumés, that is "to approach the job market with a sniper rifle targeting one job, as opposed to a shotgun targeting." When you know what you want you should certainly do that, and create specific things that may attract the firm you are hoping to get the attention from. Good luck on the job hunt, Andreas.

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