Compression evil on the Aussie airwaves.

It happened a couple of years ago with television and a programming/commercial compression device called the Time Machine - It's rationale? Time for more commercials! And now, some greedy muthas down unda are doing the same thing on the radio.

" TOP rating Melbourne radio station FOX FM has admitted it uses new technology to speed up songs on its playlist... He denied the process allowed the station to squeeze in more commercials."

Actually, this "new technology" has been around for some time, and allows studios to do things like squish a 31 second musical bed into a 30 second commercial without raising its pitch and sounding cartoonish like an Alvin & the Chipmunks single. What makes it dangerous here is that greedy radio station execs now know about it too, and are sure to use it for their own nefarious means - squishing more ads into each programming hour.

Someday, somehow, radio and tv stations are going to realize that if you just reduce the number of commercials running per hour, that perhaps more people would watch/listen to their broadcast, commercials included.* And then, with less clutter and more viewers/listeners, you could (gasp!) honestly charge a bit more per advert to make up the difference. Why, it's revolutionary! Makes complete, logical and economic sense! They'll never do it.

*Of course, quality programming would help here as well.

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yaksox's picture

Oh boy, could I rant about commercial radio in australia. All I'll say is that the 'greedy-guts' philosophy runs right through that management set up and their playlists remind me of parents feeding kids Mcdonalds for breakfast.
They'll never get the Less is More concept.