Code Club - The Interview / Albion London - (2012) 2:00 (UK)

Digital shop Albion London created a fun film to promote the Code Club, a nation-wide network of after-school coding clubs for kids aged 10-11.

Isn't that too early to become a nerd? I keed, I keed!

The video is kinda funny. Nothing I like more than seeing some snot-nosed Veruca Salt wannabe and her friends diss the world's most influential pioneers in the digital world. Like Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the real dude who 'invented the internet,' as well as some other people you might know, like Chad Hurley , this dude Niklas Zennstrom , the Duke of York and more.

Is it original? Not really. Is it cute? Yes. Because the kids (Who just so happen to be various offspring of Albion CEO Jason Goodman and ECD Nick Darken) are actually quite funny. And the people they belittle are incredibly good sports. More importantly it's all for a good cause. If one assumed turning more kids into coders is a good cause.

Apparently the whole thing was conceived and filmed and put together in seven hours at The Founders Forum event. Nice one.

Concepted, filmed and launched in one day, at the Founders Forum 2012 by:

Concept: Fred Destin's team.

Albion London: Jason Goodman, Sasha Orr, Nick Darken, Petrina Kilby, Clare Sutcliffe, Jack Gallon, Laura Muse, Ben Buswell, Andrew Singleton, Ceinwen Jarvis, Joe Smith, Alex Rosen.

Hotspur & Argyle: Theo Delaney, Adam Lyne, Tom Mallion, Ciro Candia, Martyna Knitter, Sophia Millar, Anita Rajikumar, Dean Hewitson, Lizzie Wilkinson, Amy Philpott.

Unruly: Arber Pllana, David Waterhouse, Louise Tullin, Sarah Wood and Unruly's awesome network of publishers and bloggers.

The Quarry -- Editor: Jonathan Casey

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