Chunk Bid to Boost, the food auction website that gives bidders the chance to dine at their favourite restaurants for as little as a penny, has appointed Chunk to create an online campaign to boost traffic to the website.

The campaign, 'Meal or No Meal', will be a take on a popular game show featuring a well known bearded presenter.

Chunk MD Donnie Kerrigan said; "We're excited to work with Price Your Meal and to get our teeth into the idea. The site itself has a lot of word-of-mouth appeal and a push from this campaign will help increase its already considerable user base"

Sukhvir, MD of PYM said; "Since going live 3 months ago, has already registered over 2,500 people who now regularly use the site. In order for us to expand very quickly, we need an online marketing campaign that can boost our database and give us a platform that we can use to launch into other cities very quickly. I am confident that Chunk has the required skills, experience and imagination to create a campaign that will attract users of all ages to the site. "

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