"Since the beginning of the modern wold women have been in the forefront of beer production...." But, if you google the word "Cervejeira", you don't get a female beer master, you get a fridge! I feel like creatives are a bit preoccupied with google image search results, and how easy it is to game with with enough social media hashtags.
Title: Cervejeira Sou Eu/"Cervejeira" Is Me
Product/Service: Institutional
Client: AmBev
Ad agency: Mutato/draftLine
Production Company: Surreal Hotel Arts
Editing Company: Octopost
Sound Company: Cabaret
Creative Director: Alessandra Muccillo
CCO: Eduardo Camargo
Copywriter: Alessandra Muccillo
Copywriter: Marcella Nunes
Copywriter: Paula Baselice
Art Director: Gabriela Barreira
Art Director: Adriano Brodbeck
Additional Credits: Marketing Team: Alexandre Alvez, Isabela Graça, Lucas Junqueira