CBS defends Tim Tebow ad, says they're willing to air more Super Bowl advocacy ads

An update to the post Tim Tebow's anti-abortion ad already causing controversy - as CBS justifies why they are airing the Tim Tebow anti-abortion ad:

"We have for some time moderated our approach to advocacy submissions after it became apparent that our stance did not reflect public sentiment or industry norms," said CBS spokesman Dana McClintock, according to the AP. "In fact, most media outlets have accepted advocacy ads for some time."
McClintock said CBS "will continue to consider responsibly produced ads from all groups for the few remaining spots in Super Bowl XLIV."

Focus on the Family has confirmed with us that the Tim and Pam Tebow ad is a national buy. Women's groups are not pleased, they called on CBS, the network airing the Super Bowl, to pull the spot, which they say is insulting and divisive. but lost that fight.

"This ad uses one story to subtly dictate morality to the American public, and encourages women to disregard medical advice, potentially putting their lives at risk," said the Women's Media Center, which has teamed up with more than 30 other organizations to call for the ad to be dropped.

Consider the floodgates busted wide open folks as CBS has declared themslves willing to air more advocacy ads. Is this a sign that the slots haven't been selling as fast as they usually do?

Trivia, in 2009 NBC rejected this ad from the from airing during the Super Bowl.
src="">Tim Tebow's anti-abortion ad already causing controversy - as CBS justifies why they are airing the Tim Tebow anti-abortion ad:

"We have for some time moderated our approach to advocacy submissions after it became apparent that our stance did not reflect public sentiment or industry norms," said CBS spokesman Dana McClintock, according to the AP. "In fact, most media outlets have accepted advocacy ads for some time."
McClintock said CBS "will continue to consider responsibly produced ads from all groups for the few remaining spots in Super Bowl XLIV."

Focus on the Family has confirmed with us that the Tim and Pam Tebow ad is a national buy. Women's groups are not pleased, they called on CBS, the network airing the Super Bowl, to pull the spot, which they say is insulting and divisive. but lost that fight.

"This ad uses one story to subtly dictate morality to the American public, and encourages women to disregard medical advice, potentially putting their lives at risk," said the Women's Media Center, which has teamed up with more than 30 other organizations to call for the ad to be dropped.

Consider the floodgates busted wide open folks as CBS has declared themslves willing to air more advocacy ads. Is this a sign that the slots haven't been selling as fast as they usually do?

Trivia, in 2009 NBC rejected this ad from the from airing during the Super Bowl.

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