Casting Director Dea Vise lost everything in home fire

We're thanking $DEITY right now that this fire didn't happen while Dea was at home sleeping, but sadly all of her feline friends were, and none of them made it out of the fire. The fire engulfed her L.A. bungalow and Dea literally lost everything she had. From personal mementos like photographs, to every day items such as clothes and makeup, to her 50 recently purchased books she was using for her dissertation for her doctorate. It's all gone.

A fundraiser is now on to help Dea get a new home, and all of you who have met her know she's a caring woman with a huge heart, and you know she'd help you. Please take a moment to help out, and spread the word about this fundraiser: Help Dea Vise Rebuild After Devastating Fire.

You may know Dea from casting calls, as she's helped many films, and hundreds of commercials. Dea also works tirelessly for Outreach Concern and Burbank family services helping children. For once, she's the one who needs a little help, so lets help her back.

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