"Career women make bad mothers" ads withdrawn

'Career women make bad mothers'

The Guardian reports that the OAA campaign designed to promote the effectiveness of billboard advertising has withdrawn the poster that read: "Career women make bad mothers" after an outcry from the offended public. "Educashun Isn't Working" and "1966. It Won't Happen This Year" will be running instead.

The campaign was devised by veteran creative Garry Lace, from the Beta agency, to show the power of billboard advertising as an alternative to digital advertising. He was unavailable for comment at the time of publication.

A spokeswoman for the campaign confirmed that posters bearing the slogan were being pulled. She added that this was due to the "outcry and the publicity over the past couple of days".

The strategy head of Beta, Sharon Johnson, said: "There has been a misunderstanding with an important mothers' forum about this campaign which is about sparking a debate. It is not what the campaign thinks. But rather than offend people the decision has been taken to replace the posters saying 'Working women make bad mothers' with other slogans which work just as effectively."

A commentator on the Guardian website suggested another slogan: 'Anyone who works in advertising is a useless fuckwit'

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