Capri Sun - Sandy Mandy (2010) :30 (USA)

The Disrespectoids campaign features a string of young boys and girls who disrespect their Capri Sun pouches and face an unexpected transformation.

Agency: Ogilvy
GCD: Tommy Henvey
CD: Debbie Kasher
ACD: Arturo Gigante
EP: Lisa Christman

Prod Company: Smith and Jones
Director: Ulf Johansson
EP(s): Phillipa Smith

Editorial: Peepshow
Editor: Andrea MaCarthur
Producer: Anne Vega

Telecine: Company 3
Colorist: Tim Masick

Post/Effects: Smoke and Mirrors
Lead VFX/Inferno Artist: Nic Seresin

Character Design: Tristan Eaton
Animation: Fuel

Sound Design: Sound Lounge
Sound Designer: Tom Jucarone

Shoot Location: Los Angeles

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