Callcom & McCann Israel advertise in the URL locator bar!

McCann Erickson in Israel have gone ahead and invented a new media space. When their client Cellcom asked them to promote "First Love", a branded website with teenagers love stories aimed at teenagers, the team thought of the idea of placing the message in the URL locator bar.

The idea worked, the URL bar displays short love messages and to visit cellcom site all one has to do it press enter.
"What we thought would be a nice campaign turned out to be a new media tool, as the 4 leading Israeli websites now support this new way of communicating messages, whether it's an advertising campaign or a website announcement."

You can watch how it works for yourself here at McCanns demo site. Keep your eye on the URl locator bar.

Cellcom "first love" unique URL address bar ad

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דניאל ברק this is great