Calgary International Film Festival - Expect the unexpected - print, Canada

Wax, Calgary has had some fun making unexpected twists to classic situations. My fave might be the zombie hidden in the russian doll. Not a Zombie? OK, you explain what the heck that is then. I just watched way to many George A. Romero movies in a row to not think "zombie" about pretty much anything. Even the Barber shop one seems like there's a zombie in it somewhere to me. Hmm, maybe they'll show zombie movies - if so count me in. ;) Six more executions inside folks.

Agency: Wax, Calgary
Joel Arbez : Illustrator
Joe Hospodarec : Creative Director
Joel Arbez : Art Director
Saro Ghazarian : Copywriter
Sebastian Wilcox : Copywriter

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purplesimon's picture

It's not a zombie, it's a baby that's been peeled.

Robbotman's picture

Either way, creepy.

I find that the layout works best with "Bird" Balloon" and "Baseball". In the other executions it gets a bit messy.