Cadbury - Zingolo (Full version) - (2009) 5:00 (UK)

Ghana! How I love thee - and had I just hurried up and been born already, it would have been another country on my have-lived-in-list. Perhaps that's why I love this ad, with its honorable fair trade promise, unabashed celebration of all things Ghaneian, its cultural figures, its rappers, its dancers, and seriously infectious music. Or maybe I just love psychedelic giant cocoa-bean heads. It's a toss-up, really.

Update: This is the direct link for buying this song with Tinny via iTunes, with the proceeds going directly to CARE. Do it and try to dance like the High Sprits dance troupe on your way to work tomorrow, I dare ya.

Ad agency: Fallon, London
Client: Cadbury
Rap Talent: Tinny
Dance talent: High Spirits
Executive Creative Director: Richard Flintham
Creative Director: Chris Bovill
Creative Director: John Allison
Creative: Filip Tyden
Creative: Dan Watts
Creative: Chris Bovill
Creative: John Allison
Agency Producer: Tom Goodwin
Agency Producer: Gemma Knight
Executive Producer: Nicky Barnes
Director: Ringan Ledwidge
Production Company: Rattling Stick
Producer: Sally Humphries
Director of Photography: Franz Lustig
Editor: Rich Orrick
Editorial Company: Work Post
Post Production:The Mill - London

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