Buntin creates new outdoor for Cracker Barrel

Buntin Out-of-Home Media, out of Nashville, TN, unveiled a new creative campaign for client Cracker Barrel Old Country Store. The new campaign, "Comin' Right Up," reflects the brand's country heritage. It is intended to communicate the proximity of the unique food, service, retail offerings and guest experiences that Cracker Barrel offers.

Each of Cracker Barrel's existing outdoor billboards will be replaced with the new campaign within a four-month time period. The boards will be posted between November 2006 and February 2007. In fact, it is the largest project the company has ever undertaken - with 1,500 boards being posted in a four-month time frame. Howard Greiner, president and chief operating officer of Buntin Out-of-Home Media may have said it best when he said, "The Cracker Barrel interstate boards are such a familiar sight, that this new campaign will change the American landscape."

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store

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