British Heart Foundation - Mini Vinnie Jones - Staying alive - (2012) 2:11 (UK)

In 2011 Vinnie, the badass, showed us how to do CPR to the tune of staying alive. Since everyone needs to know how to handle cardiac arrest, Mini Vinnie is here to demonstrate the same moves, in kid-size. It's no Zombie undead pun, this makes a lot of sense. Ah, ah, ah, ah, staying alive. You know the rythm. You can do it. Mini Vinnie is expertly played by 12 year old Brenock O'Connor, and props to the bad boys in the background too.

Client: British Heart Foundation

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MicroSourcing's picture

Great concept for an instructional video, assuming that it's meant to be taken seriously. The humorous approach plays down its educational slant.