Brickyard VFX Helps Drive Callaway Golf in CG-Intensive Campaign

Artist owned-and-operated effects boutique Brickyard VFX recently completed a new two-spot campaign for Callaway Golf via ad agency Young & Rubicam, Irvine, Calif. Shot and directed by The Cronenweths in Argentina, the effects-heavy :30 ads, "Inspired Design" and "Post Its," aired nationally on March 3 and March 10, respectively. In "Inspired Design," Brickyard VFX provided a combination of 2D and 3D compositing and effects work, and implemented speed changes on all of the objects in motion. Both ads feature extensive CG work, including the creation of all of the Post It notes, the photo realistic clubs, balls and golf robot, as well as all of the background elements and close up shots.

Callaway Golf - Post Its (2007) 0:30 (USA)

Callaway Golf - Inspired By Design (2007) 0:30 (USA)

"The Spots came out great, just the way we intended," says lead VFX artist Geoff McAuliffe. "It is a very collaborative process with The Cronenweths, and Jeff is such an excellent cinematographer, that we're pretty much guaranteed a good looking spot. The storytelling skills that The Cronenweths bring to the table help set the stage for us."

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