Blogfonks fonky new design and fonk for thoughts

You might ask "What is Fonkstra?". Their answer includes a pack of 3D-glasses.

The People at Fonkstra are a collective of creatives, inspired by Dutch Hendrik Johannes Maria Fonkstra's saying:

'To see or to be seen. That's the question.'

After noticing interesting trends, issues and developments in the market and society, BlogFonk tries to give creatives `Fonk for Thoughts' (inspiration to be creative).

BlogFonk has re-designed, making a much sleeker page well worth a visit.

The content has gotten a face-lift as well, now they do interviews with creative minds from all over the world every week. So far they've had interviews with Peter McHugh CD of 180 Amsterdam, Chad Rea of 86theinions - you remember him, he's the one that made the PottyMouth baby t-shirts - and oh look, there's little ol' me.

Their sister site 8till9 is an inspiration-fountain for the suits, of sorts.

8till9's are corporate `Fonk for Thoughts': briefings which presents new creative starting-points for commercial communication exclusively created for companies in their `Secure Company Area', made 'from 8 till 9' in the morning at Fonkstra. With 8till9's, Fonkstra develops new creative concepts and business opportunities in a pro-active way.

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