Big Red - Backwash / Party - (2013) :30 (USA)

The Big Red jokevertising is still going strong. the sold us the "pump bottle" with a perfectly executed 90s spoof, and the happy summer rather gross BBQ bottle earlier this year, now we're into late night raver-type house parties, and the anti-backwash bottle.

The least successful joke of them all, IMHO, because while the BBQ was rather unappetizing to watch, backwash. Eeeeeeew.

Honestly, with all the gag I'm surprised Red Bull hasn't tried to sue Big Red like they threatened Red Well with earlier... Probably staying away from it because Big Red would make a really silly - and to Red Bull unflattering - new product bottle hybrid from it.

Agency: Real Normal/Beef & Sage
Copywriter: Beef & Sage
Executive Producer: Toby Schwartz
Director: Kirk Johnson
Art Director: Sam Webber
Director of Photography: Nathanael Vorce
Editor: Beef & Sage
Production Services: Real Normal

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