Big Chief, No Shit

Well, apparently someone in the US doesn't sue for money as adweek reports.

SBC Holdings has settled a federal lawsuit claiming it used the name of legendary Indian leader Crazy Horse without authorization on a brand of malt liquor. SBC, formerly Stroh Brewery Co., acquired G. Heileman Brewing Co. and its Crazy Horse malt liquor in 1996 as part of a bankruptcy proceeding.
The drink was sold in 32 states and manufactured at seven breweries before Stroh closed its factories in 1999.
The settlement calls for SBC to turn over 32 Pendleton blankets, 32 braids of sweet grass, 32 twists of tobacco and seven thoroughbred racehorses -- but does not include money, which the estate says was never its objective. The estate's suit is still pending against Hornell Brewing of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Crazy Horse, an Oglala Sioux, and his warriors wiped out forces led by Lt.Gen. George Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876.

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