BBC Winter Olympics "The fearless are here" (2018) 1:44 (UK)

Pretty awesome animation here for this celebration of the Winter Olympics reminding us to trust what we know, not what we fear. Throughout the spot we watch as Olympians overcome their fears which are manifested in various ways-- angry monsters on the slopes, etc, and more. Great music, too. It's an original composition by Native Music, featuring Korean drums that really build on the tension.

Client: BBC
Advertising agency: Y&R London
Producer: Katherine Maidment
Executive Creative Director: Mark Roalfe
Creatives: Jim Bolton, Gavin McGrath, Psembi Kinstan
Business Director: David Pomfret
Account Manager: Tom Lamming
Production Company: Nexus Studios
Director: Smith & Foulkes
Producer: Tracey Cooper
Sound house: Factory
Lead sound: Anthony Moore
Music company: Native

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