At we get to meet the balls that have the balls to talk about cancer. Click the link, the opening rant containing several fun slang terms for your hairy space hoppers and is quite funny. These are the surviving nuts from men who have done the wise thing and gotten themselves checked when their neighbouring man dimmock started to hang a bit weird. Check your testicles is the message you should take from this campaign, they'll thank you for it.
The BIG one, dude we know what you’re thinking. "Will losing a testicle affect my Mojo?!"
— Brian Ball (@HaveTheBalls_) April 22, 2016
The website contains several frequently asked questions, and allows the friendly fun-berry to give you a reassuring reply. It'll even show you how you should check yourself. Now, this might not be Deadpool levels of meta, but these talking balls are quite funny all the same. Client is the Cancer association of South Africa, and of course the balls have their own twitter account: HaveTheBalls_
Hey @LungaShabalala AKA MR Chocolate, do the right thing man. Spread the word.
— Brian Ball (@HaveTheBalls_) April 21, 2016