badland - adidas basketball

Check it out - a bit of a flashback from Adidas-- so soon after the other one as well: Straight to the moon.

The two Sonics ones are from ddb Seattle from three years ago -- The other three are from an Adidas campaign that is just launching.

Not too much of a surprise (the concept fits basketball after all,) but strikingly similar none the less. All revealed inside!

First up, Sonics "It takes five" (above)

Next up, Adidas "five." (Below)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Heh! That's a bit spooky.

philmang's picture

the other funny aspect of the adidas campaign - 5ive is a boy band that's been around since 1999...

google serves up this on a "5ive" search:
Not exactly basketball...

Plywood's picture

Chalk it up to an unfortunate coincidence, not sinister copycatness.
Nobody outside Seattle would ever have seen that local campaign for the Sonics.

I'm also tired of the stick a nmber into the spelling thing.