Axe - Morning after pillow (eng) - (2012) 1:45 (Puerto Rico)

Spinning off on the idea that there's only one thing wrong with AXE, the side effect that women want to (*gasp* god forbid!) cuddle post-coital, DDB Latina Puerto Rico have invented the Morning After Pillow. No, not pill. Pillow. Just sneak it under your arm and sneak away. This could be one minute shorter and a lot funnier.

Want to see the pillow in action? Check the facebook page where it's being used at a party

Advertising Agency: DDB Latina Puerto Rico
Creative Directors: Enrique Renta, Santiago Cuesta, Manuel Bordé, Leslie Robles
Copywriting: Manuel Bordé, Santiago Cuesta
Art Direction: Juan Carlos López, Luis Figueroa, Karla Bonilla (BV)
Account Team: Edgardo Manuel Rivera, Rafa Muñiz, Alexandra Arroyo, Hecmarylys Ortiz, Luis Velazquez
Director: Alejandro Pedrosa
Prod. Co.: Buena Vibra
Agency Producer: Loren Ortiz, Ive Negrón
Producer: Emil Medina
Music: Estudios Machina

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AntDude's picture

But Axe doesn't work! I don't get any chicks! :P

Bill Paleo's picture

I totally agree with u.. on this

Dabitch's picture

Ha ha ha. Nice try.