ASTOC (Brazilian Association of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) - Stuck, print, Brazil

Here's a visual that kids won't get ten years down the line. (Perhaps)

See also the commercial that goes with it; ASTOC rewind.
ASTOC - Rewind - (2008) :30 (Brazil)

Agency: Energy/São Paulo
Vitor Knijnik (Creative Director)
Lígia Mendes (Copywriter)
Rodrigo Cabello (Art Director)
Photography: obStudio

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alex's picture

I dunno - do you know how mad they are for vinyl at the moment? My LPs are permanently under lock and key in case of kid-raids.

Dabitch's picture

So are mine, but that's just cuz my kid still bites stuff.

Dabitch's picture

btw, was just reading (and watching) this on "The loudness war"