Armor All Hot Body Academy

Take it from someone who does this for a living, a bare living, it isn't like this at all. Not where I work, anyway. Forget that.

This is the world of Armor All car detailing where it is just so fast and easy to make your car shine like the top of the Chrysler building!

Okay, maybe your car, but not the majority of cars I have to clean at work. However, I don't use Armor All products at work, and I don't have an assistant. That's why I'm so wrong on this.

Well, back to school, then.

Armor All Hot Body Academy

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

After watching that, I'm confused. Where do I buy Anthony? ;)

TDD's picture

Let me guess, you're confused because you kept being distracted during the course? ;-)