APG "Official snack of..." (2017) :30 (USA)

Official snack of the OMG you look great.
Official snack of the have you lost weight?
Official snack of the how did you do that?
Official snack of Miss California.

It's also the official snack of "these things are super calorie dense and high in fat so the 'serving size' is a lot smaller than the one you are envisioning."

Client: American Pistachio Growers
Directors: Steven Weinzierl and Ben Dolphin
Client: American Pistachio Growers
Agency: Thjnk NY
Agency Creative Directors: Georg Baur & Torben Otten
Production Company: The Collective @ LAIR
Executive Producer: Mark Aji
Head of Production: Theresa Loguercio
Practical Animation: Brian Haimes
Associate Producer: Lara Geis

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