Another viral entertaining site .. from CP+B

"Having trouble picking out gifts? Try Borders' Giftmixer3000 -- a talking computer, à la HAL from 2001, who is more than happy to help. Just another viral bon bon from -- need we say it -- Crispin Porter + Bogusky."

[quote from Creativity Email]

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Dabitch's picture

While it's an amusing idea, it picks out shite gifts for me. Perhaps that's just their stocks fault though.

slydecix's picture

yeah, it'd be cool if it actually worked

Neo's picture

Hmmmm... Does high IQ automatically get Elvis collections suggestions or is that just when I try it? I've gotten Elvis every time now. Maybe Elvis makes you dumb.

Dabitch's picture

I got Elvis compilations too! Maybe they're just trying to get rid of 'em! ;))