American Network Special Causes Flux in Ego-Density Balance of Universe

American Network Special Causes Flux in Ego-Density Balance of Universe

An American TV network musical special to raise funds for the recent terrorists attacks causes a massive disruption in the ego-gravitational field surrounding planet earth. Astrologists and ego-physicists speculate that the sheer number of massive egos at the musical special caused a disturbance in the normal, Gaussian distribution of egos in the universe.

"It's almost like a reverse ego-instantiation event", speculates astrolophysicist Walter Watts of the University of Prehistorical Studies and Astrolophysics in Postwerp, Belgium. He continues, "We haven't seen anything like this since the "We are the World" anti-fitness concert featuring Michael "Jacko" Jackson." "This is several orders of magnitude greater than that infamous ego-manical extravaganza!"

Mechanical engineers were evaluating stresses at the facility used to host the show.

Astrolophysicists at the Church of Virus Observatory in Mayberry, North Carolina speculate the imbalance of egos could be responsible for the recent observations at the facility as seen below:

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