Alzheimer España "Lost Memories" (2015) 3:29 (Spain)

When someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer´s, the first thing that person would like to protect is the most important memories of his life. For World Alzheimer's day McCann asked recently diagnosed people to record their memories. Those films were put on USB drives.

And then they "lost," those USB drives for others to find. When people watched the films, they new the addresses of the person who made it. Or so they thought. The address was in fact the Alzheimer's Foundation of Spain that was disguised as a regular apartment.

This was all done to find the right volunteers. Those who were curious enough to watch what was on the USB, moved to help, and compassionate enough to return it.

Of those lost drives, 65% were returned in person and 21% were returned by email.

Very powerful.

Client: Foundation Alzheimer España
Agency: McCann Madrid

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