The Alpha Coffee Table - aptly named.

Leslie BAP just emailed me this, and now if you'll excuse me - I need to pop downstairs and casually set fire to my current living room so that I may replace it all starting with this A B C D table. I am in a seriously bad case of lust for a coffee table folks. If it asked, I would marry it in a heartbeat. And we'd have little doll house-sized Eames lounge chair babies and live happily ever after!

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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alex's picture

Yes, but please - not that carpet. I've come over all queasy.

Neo's picture

I offer to babysit your Eames lounge chair babies.

Dabitch's picture

I'd never do that carpet - hardwood floor fan - and I'd never let anyone babysit my widdle baby eameses, aww!