Allied Irish Banks "Bridge Sunrise" (2013) :30 (Ireland)

Allied Irish Bank wants you to know you can bank on the move with their new mobile app.
The director does, too. But they didn't have a huge budget. So instead, the spot was entirely filmed on an iPhone 5.

Which also makes it a nice ad for the iPhone 5.

And considering how dreadfully boring Apple's work has been as of late, I'd say it's the best Apple commercial done in a while, too.

Nice job, gents.

Agency: Rothco
CD: Damian Hanely
Client: Allied Irish Bank
Music: Delorentos "Petardu"

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Pieter Viljoen's picture

The look is good but the ending had a weird pacing with the music and the sudden fade to black.

kidsleepy's picture

Agreed. But still, consider the fact this is a bank ad for a mobile app, and not once do we see a bank, or bankers. I give it props for that.

Pieter Viljoen's picture

I agree, it's an industry that requires such a rethinking of their interaction with the public. Good concept, but I think the concept wasn't sold enough... the idea of shooting on an iphone is great and democratic and inclusive for sure, but they don't sell that as a way to say "you could do this too... your bank" blah blah.

kidsleepy's picture

As a PR generator though it wasn't bad. ;)